Monday, February 4, 2008

I could go on forever...

I like to think of my generation of women as not really treated and perceived differently (you could call it discriminated against). Unfortunately, that is not quite true. In my current field, finance, heavily dominated by men, women have made so much progress, and yet the number of female executives is very low. Wonder why?
We all know very well that there are strict laws against gender discrimination, but somehow those laws do not work when some obnoxious guy blatantly offends YOU, the "opinionated" girl and when you respond to him, that fact that YOU dare to respond, raises many eyebrows and many ouches are whispered, unfortunately by both men and women (the less "opinionated" ones).

In my very short 6 months of working, sadly I could quote a good number of similar incidents.

This article in the Guardian talks about what the now is, but it gives us hope about what the then will be.

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