Saturday, March 28, 2009

Abortion Criminalization in Brazil

The New York Times ran a story today on the controversy surrounding doctors who performed an abortion on a 9 year old Brazilian victim of incest. The girl and her 14 year old sister had been the victims of rape at the hands of their step father for years. Pregnant with twins, the young girl had to travel over 100 miles from her rural town in North Brazil to the nearest abortion clinic. Doctors ruled her womb was too small to support the pregnancy of twins, and performed an abortion. Upon learning of the abortion, a Brazilian archbishop ex-communicated everyone involved in the abortion except the step father accused of rape. In a country with more Catholics than any other in the world, this sentence carried a significant weight.

This story makes me feel tired. What progress have we made? How did this child find the courage to seek out an abortion? What are primarily male governments world wide doing to protect women who seek abortions?

Read the full story here.

1 comment:

About I N D I E Marketing Genius-Bobbi said...

Thank you for posting this. It makes me feel tired too. I am going to post this story on my blog.

Bobbi Miller-Moro
Women Without Borders