Monday, March 3, 2008

Women are Dumber. Just own it.

A friend of mine posted this opinion from the Washington Post as her away message...along with the words: "another reminder that my vagina makes me dumb."

This article is outrageous. It starts off with pseudo political commentary but quickly just moves on to the idea that women should own the fact that they gossip, love romantic movies, and are best at "making a house a home". Everyone can probably predict what I have to say about that--so I won't say it...but, I think its outrageous that women's bad driving skills can somehow be if there are no other factors involved in the statistic from the John Hopkins study...

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

I emailed Charlotte Allen the following:

Dear Ms. Allen:

Thank you. For reminding me that after graduating cum laude from Georgetown I should restrict myself to the banal and domestic. For discouraging myself and those with the same anatomy as I (we) do to participate in the political process. For discounting the liberating work of generations of women in order to encourage the reactionary social structures of the Victorians. For using the place of power you attained because of those women to keep the rest of us at the level for which you show so much disdain. For validating the voices of an entire system of men who would rather cross party lines than vote for a woman. For ensuring that at least once in this life, I felt stupider, less interesting, and less worthy than my male counterparts because I am a woman.

Thank you for your article-- I might never have felt so inadequate otherwise.

-Chrissy A. Balz.

Let's see if I get a response...