Monday, February 18, 2008


“When we see a woman standing on a table or amid the tumultuous throng of a demonstration, she will have lost all her charm. The day the gentlewoman becomes a conservative, the cook a socialist and the housekeeper an independent socialist, we will have created chaos in the home.”

José F. Uriburu, Argentine politician, 1929

1 comment:

EiBo said...

What the heck. I am going to comment on my own post.

I really hate, sorry, I really dislike how its either ONE or THE OTHER. Women can either be faithful to THE HOME (whatever that is) or they can be successful in the work field as some sort of masculinized female. Well, I really hope that at least the smart women reading and writing on this blog to do feel constrained by this heads-or-tails option. I am going to do both and I hope you'll do it with me. But then comes the pressure at having to be both an awesome mom and an awesome lawyer/doctor/business women...but, my friends, thats another topic for another day...chaufis