Wednesday, January 9, 2008

'Tears Heard 'Round the World'

I wanted to post this article from the Women's Media Center because it references some earlier posted items but also because the title: "Hillary's Gender is A Bigger Deal than We'd Like to Admit" sums up a large portion of my opinion on the Presidential Campaign. Politics aside, candidate preference aside, why aren't more women in uproar about the portrayal of gender in this election--or the lack thereof! This article raises the interesting if not obviously answered question of why people pay so much attention to Hillary showing tears and so little attention to Mitt Romney doing the same. Why do so many articles surface about what Hillary wears, how her hair looks, or how 'emotional' she is on any given day? And, for Pete's sake (yes, I like that term), why aren't some more people talking about a sign that reads IRON MY SHIRT at a political rally? I can't show up at a political rally for a male candidate and say something like...hmmm...erm...'go chop some wood for me.' Nevermind. That doesn't work. But, I guess that's THE POINT--its just a little to easy to bring the woman down, now isn't it?

1 comment:

Molly said...

Ugh seriously!!!! I'm not a Hillary supporter policy-wise, but SHIT can we please talk about how this is the first time we have seen anything like this and the press is having a fucking field day with it. I mean, honestly, this cartoon sums it up.

I know that Hill is trying desperately to not talk about gender, but someone has to! And it should be us because the media is buzzing with misogynistic stereotypes that are only bringing us down. Eff THAT is what I say.