Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Have we been lost in the shuffle?

**cross posted at ChoiceUSA

There has been so much talk circulating pro-choice candidates on the Republican side, and all of it is negative. If a candidate has a pro-choice history, he’s* flaky and not a “true” Republican, but if he’s anti-choice, it seems like he has to be unabashedly religious about his stance.

On the flip side though, there isn’t much talk going on among the Dems. They are pretty consistently pro-choice. Sure, Hillary and Obama have had it out about their “real” stance on choice, but there doesn’t seem to be the same tenacity and ruthlessness about the dreaded A-word as we have seen in the past.

This raises several questions:

1. Is choice no longer a political hot button issue?
2. Is saying you’re pro-choice enough to get the Democratic endorsement?
3. If so, has it been accepted as the norm? (Ha! I wish)
4. Or, has it been overshadowed by other issues?
5. If this is the case, what do we do?

I think we can all agree that the state of choice in this nation is precarious to say the least. But if the Dems aren’t talking about it and the Republicans address only with vehement rejection, then who is working on these issues?!

I think the obvious answer is: us.
There are so many organizations working to protect our rights, and we have to keep fighting the good fight, because if don’t, who will?

*Note: I realize I am using “he” as a general statement, but, come on, any women running in the Grand Ol’ Party? Nope.

1 comment:

N.P. said...

I agree with you - choice is not a norm and generally misunderstood by everyone. But I really think that the reason it isn't mentioned is because its such a polarizing topic - no one can agree and sadly the easiest choice for most candidates when trying to win the general vote is to just ignore it...maybe throughout their entire presidency as well.